Letter #1: April 28, 1967

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Letter #1: April 28, 1967

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28 April

Aloha Ginger!

“On the way” the 155mm howitzer which sits about 35 feet from my tent just fired a charge 7. Well that goes on day and night, they dont wake me at all, I sure do love you baby. I am going to try to get to sleep early tonight it is only 1045pm. So if I really get in gear I [can] get a shower and get to bed by 1130 even counting conversation with my roomy (Big Mike [Coop]) Captain West Point football team Fall 61

Love Dutch


April 28.jpg


“Letter #1: April 28, 1967,” Digital History, accessed June 16, 2024, https://hist4910.unomaha.community/omeka/items/show/103.

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